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The recipient simply lies on a treatment couch and relaxes. If they are unable to lie down the treatment can be given in a sitting position, the main thing is for the recipient to be as comfortable as possible. There is no need to remove any clothing as Reiki will pass through anything, even plaster casts.

My Treatment / Training Room

Training and treatments are carried out in my conservatory. Allowing me to open the doors into the garden and allow the energies to flow freely.

Karuna Reiki®

Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.

Karuna Reiki® Training

Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.


Reiki can be sent remotely via distance healing it does not need to be a hands on treatment.

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Chakra Balancing Treatment


Chakra Balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channelling energy into the seven chakras. Each chakra is associated with aspects of our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. The aim is to release energetic blockages and promote the good flow of energy, to harness optimum health in any relative condition.

The treatment involves checking each Chakra with dowsing rods or pendulums to assess size and how the energy is flowing. Then by placing crystals on each Chakra and placing hands just above the surface of the skin or clothing with the client lying down, and systematically works on each chakra before pulling them all into alignment. This action facilitates the synergetic potential between each one; so that when functioning effortlessly, balance of these primary energy centres provides maximum potentiality for health and wellbeing, by enabling the free flow of energy that is vital to life.

Cost of 1 hour treatment  £38.00



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